CFNJ Campus
We want to introduce you to our campus located in Ishikari City, a northern suburb of Sapporo, Japan. We hope you will enjoy this introduction to the buildings on Campus as well as how the Lord provided in amazing ways for the purchase and construction. We begin with the most recent building and conclude with the earliest acquisition.
1. June 2006, CFNJ Hallelujah Kids Hall (1st floor) and Married Students Dormitory (2nd & 3rd floor)
2. August 2005 completed the purchase of the lot to build the above.
3. August 2002, Auditorium, classrooms, and offices.
4. October 2001, purchased dormitory for single students. (There was sufficient land to build the
Auditorium, classrooms, and offices.)
Look what The Lord has done!
CFNJ Leadership decided to name the new facility CFNJ Hallelujah Kids Hall because emphasis will be on Children’s Ministry and Parenting, as well as looking ahead to starting an ACE school for children and nursery facilities for married students’ children. Completion of the building was June, 2006. |
This beautiful new three story facility has a total floor space (all 3 floors) of approximately 7,987 sq. ft.
The first floor includes classrooms, office, lounge, and music room. The second and third floors have 8 apartments for married students with children.
In April 2007 the new CMP classes were launched. Co-Founder Dianne Gyurko was one of the instructors, and gave over three months of service to begin the new course. To the left, see one of the classrooms in the CFNJ Hallelujah Kids Hall. |  | Rear View of Married Students Dormitory | |
Purchase of Property Adjacent to CFN-J Bible School Dormitory
VISION – In the Spring of 2005 a prophetic message challenged CFNJ Bible School leadership, “. . . you will be able to accomplish more in one year than you have accomplished in the past 10 years!”
CFNJ leadership and students responded by prayer and fasting, seeking the Lord to provide land for a student family apartment building that would include room for a Pre-school and a 3rd year course in Children’s Ministry and Parenting. In August of 2005 the lot next to CFNJ was purchased, and “paid in full!” In October 2005 ground breaking and construction began! |  | |
 | Signed Contract! | |
When the existing dormitory (white building) was purchased in October 2001, there was enough property for an additional building site. Through the Lord’s leading and CFNJ Leadership foresight, architectural plans were prepared, a contractor hired, and work began on the Auditorium, which also has classrooms, offices, meeting room and lounge area. The completed building has a total of 2,455 sq.ft. The first floor has 1,828 sq.ft. and the second floor has 627 sq. ft. The photo does not show the second story.
The Dedication Service of CFN-Japan Bible School’s Auditorium was held August 8, 2002, with over 200 adult guests and some 30 children in attendance. The Service began with vibrant praise and worship, a fitting beginning to honor the One whose presence we were celebrating! We praise God for this vision that has become a reality!
A special CFN-J History video was presented at the Dedication. |
God has provided CFN-J Bible School with enough funds to pay cash for this beautifully equipped student dormitory with kitchen & cafeteria, plus enough land to build the auditorium, classrooms, and offices as shown above.    
The debt-free title for the land and building in Ishikari, a suburb approximately 30 minutes from downtown Sapporo, was signed on October 22, 2001. Maintenance repairs were completed, and Dorm students moved in March 2002. The Dormitory has 1,728 square feet and will accommodate 48 students, and it also has guest rooms. Like an anchor, this facility established permanency, and better equips CFN-J to fulfill its goal –“training Christians in Japan to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to disciple others.” |
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Please continue to stand with us and the CFN-Japan Bible School as brothers and sisters in Christ. Your prayers, encouragement and financial gifts WILL enlarge His Kingdom as CFN-J prepares students for the mission fields of Japan, Asia, the Muslim world. . . and ALL nations on earth. Thank you for your love and for helping us be obedient to His call to train Bible Students to obey His command to evangelize. Sincerely, Charles and Dianne Gyurko, Co-founders, CFN-J Staff, Board and Advisors |
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You are invited to help support the CFN-Japan Bible School's expansion with your prayers, encouragement and financial gifts. Our address and telephone numbers are located on the contact page of the Web site. Please use this page to request additional information about CFN-Japan, request prayer or send a note. Please make checks payable to Christ For The Nations-Japan and we will send you a tax-deductible receipt. Your gift of any amount will be an eternal investment in the lives of students at Christ For The Nations-Japan. |