One Liner August 8, 2008

Dear Family and Friends
Thank you for participating in the prayer request earlier this month
“All power (authority) has been given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Mt.28:18) “ I have given you power (authority)…over all the power of the enemy” (Luke 10:19) “Pray for those in authority (prominence)”(I Tim. 2:2)
God, the Source of all authority has given delegated authority to human beings at all levels (Presidents, Kings, Parents, Teachers, Police, etc.) so that they may participate in His righteous governance, by using His delegated authority to rule, guide, train, enforce, etc., not according to individual whims, but according to truths revealed in His written word, the Bible.
A frustrated Boss of mine told us years ago, “If it weren’t for ‘the last minute’, hardly anything would get done around here!”
“Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out”

Desert silhouette,
Century plants at twilight,
An army with spears!
Unpublished Work
Copyright © 2008 by Charles Gyurko
A WORK of the Lord in Japan.

At 6 times during 3 days, about 150 intercessors, including CFN-Japan students, local Pastors, and members of IFGA (Institute For Global Affairs), gathered at the Bible School (photos above and below), to pray for the leaders of the G8 Summit, who were meeting in Hokkaido, Japan. Holding the cross in the center, the Chairman of England’s Prayer Center forcefully proclaimed, “In the cross of Christ alone is the solution to all the problems of the world”.
Over the years, and during the Conference, the Lord’s Presence at CFN-Japan has enabled the school to become a rallying place to train students, host Conferences, unify Pastors, build up the faith of participants, and affect world affairs. Please join in prayer for continuing doors for His Presence to be revealed in Japan through the Bible School.  
Standing together with you looking to the Lord,
Charles and Dianne Gyurko