One-Liner December 14, 2007
 Dear Family and Friends Could we share another One-Liner together? |
WORD | “The woman (at the well) said, ‘I know that Messiah, called Christ, is coming’, …Jesus said to her, “I who speak with you am He”. (John 4:25-26) |
WISDOM | Despite the fact that there are about 6.2 billion people in the world today, when we speak or pray to God, we have no competition for His focused attention on us individually. Each person on this planet has His undivided attention, not just a fraction of it. So also when we focus on Him, we can find Him in His “secret place” (Ps. 91:1, Mt. 6:6). |
WIT | When I overhead someone say, “Charles is outstanding in his field”, I thought I was hearing a compliment. But I learned later that he was saying, “Charles is not here, he’s OUT, STANDING in his FIELD”. |
WHOLE IN ONE | “Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out” Airplane hangar doors Open with a giant yawn And swallow a jet! | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2007 by Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. Students studying God’s Word at a Bible School need not only good teachers, but also good cooks! God sent Mr. & Mrs. YOSHIDA (photo above) to do the job at CFN-Japan! While running their own restaurant, Mr. Yoshida found time to study God’s Word at CFN-Japan Bible School and graduate (below). Now they both fill a full-time role as Chefs at CFNJ, and also as Student Dormitory Managers. Their faithfulness and competence at all levels teach lessons to the students that go far beyond the delicious meals. CFNJ is blessed with a Staff that is capable, unified in the Lord, and joyful. Standing together with you looking to the Lord, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |