One-Liner December 19, 2008
 Dear Family and Friends, |
WORD | Jesus said, “Let (permit, allow) the little children come to Me, for of such is the Kingdom of God”. (Mt. 19:14) |
WISDOM | When Jesus was a boy, the main thing they learned at school was the Old Testament Word of God. Seeing life from God’s viewpoint, even children could understand WHO they are, WHERE they came from, WHY they’re living, WHERE they’re going, and HOW to get there. This “platform for learning” prepared them for life’s choices. But sadly today in U.S.A. public schools, children can become “technicians”, but not know life’s true purpose and goals, causing personal suffering and chaos. Without the Word of God, there is no education. The family remains God’s primary institution for instruction in life. Parents can share and live the Word. |
WIT | In a gym, there is a trainER, and you are the trainEE. If so, then, In a car, another person is the drivER, and you are the drivEE. When someone is a snorER, you are the snorEE. |
WELLSPRING | “Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out” Modern little bird, Clings to T.V. antenna, On its maiden flight. | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2008 by Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. Teaching children the Word of God has been Dianne Gyurko’s passion for years (photo above of Sunday School in U.S.A.). Three years ago she started the Children’s Ministries and Parenting Course at CFN-Japan Bible School, and taught adult students how to do it. Later on she was assisted by Alma Bermejo (below), a very qualified person from Mexico, who has trained at ICMI (International Children’s Ministry Institute), founded by Gwen Davis.  After Dianne completes teaching the final semester, Jan. to March 2009, Alma will begin a two-year contract to teach students, and to raise up a Japanese trainee for that position. The Course and the teachers have passed the test, and all is “ready for take-off” during CFN-Japan’s 25th Anniversary, April ’09 to March ’10. YOUR PRAYER is “the wind under its wings”. Standing together with you on the platform of His Word, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |