One-Liner December 7, 2007
 Dear Family & Friends, A correction in last week’s WORD: The Scriptures should have been Rom. 13:14 and Heb. 4:16. Sorry for the “typo”. As always, it is a treat to share One-Liners together. |
WORD | “They will come from the East and West, from the North and South, and sit down in the Kingdom of God.” (Lk.13:29) |
WISDOM | The word “N-E-W-S” is taken from the letters of the 4 directions. Even a weather vane reminds us of the Great Commission to all nations! When hearing the News on radio or TV, we can apply the truth of God’s Word to situations and events from all directions. |
WIT | Some Western Cowboy songs tell very sorrowful tales about lost love, such as: “I’ve got tears in my ears, from lying on my back, crying my eyes out over you.” |
WHOLE IN ONE | “Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out” Breezes make no sound, Except when they use the trees As their vocal chords. | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2007 by Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. “Foreign Students” (non-Japanese) have also studied at CFN-Japan Bible School. In CFN-J’s first year (1985), there were 2 of them: Shentung Rin, a Chinese from Taiwan (photo above on left), and Pascal Zivi (below), from France. They spoke Japanese, and attended the school on a Missionary Visa. Mr. RIN returned to Taiwan and has a Christian family. Mr. ZIVI married in Japan, and ministers the truth of God’s Word to those trapped in cults. Please PRAY that CFN-J could also be qualified to receive students on a Student Visa, which would enable others from abroad to attend, to grow in faith, and to share the Lord widely. Standing together with you looking to the Lord, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |