One-Liner February 13, 2009

Dear Family and Friends, |
WORD | “This is the will of God, your sanctification, that you should abstain from sexual immorality, that each of you know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor.” (II Thes.4:4) “Be fruitful and multiply…” (Gen.1:28) |
WISDOM | At the Purity Ring Ceremony (above), single young men and women pray the following, “Believing that true love waits, I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, my friends, my future mate, and my future children, to a lifetime of purity, including sexual abstinence, from this day until the day I enter a biblical marriage relationship.” On their wedding night, they present the ring to their spouse, as a celebration of promises given and promises kept. A marriage that begins like this has God’s blessing and power to succeed, and to impact countless lives. |
WIT | You can tell you’re getting old, when people phone you at 9:00 A.M., and say, “I hope I didn’t wake you up”. |
WELLSPRING | “Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out” Monarch of the skies, Travels three thousand miles, Jet-stream butterfly. | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2009 by Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. Recognizing the holiness of God’s plan for marriage, family, and sexual procreation within marriage, CFN-Japan Bible School held Seminars on Biblical Sexual Abstinence, attended by both instructors and students. This flowed over to local churches, and is followed by a Purity Ring Seminar , during which, the parents or adult mentors, present the ring to the attending child or student. Above are photos of CFN-Japan Staff member, Gerald Goodall and his wife, Akemi-san, with three of their children, as well as a photo of other youth in the Seminar. Please PRAY that God’s wave of purity will continue to flow throughout the nation and the world. Standing together with you looking to the Lord, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |