One-Liner February 6, 2009

Dear Family and Friends, Hello again,…let’s step inside to meet our Host! |
WORD | Speaking in a parable of the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus said, “Well done, good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of the Lord.” (Matt.25: 21) |
WISDOM | The photo above is typical of an entrance to a Japanese home, when a large group of people enter, they wisely leave their soiled shoes behind. So also, when we enter God’s Kingdom through faith, the Blood of Jesus cleanses our spirit of all sin, leaving it behind, and we become “a new man”, clean inside! This qualifies us, in later life, when we die and leave this earth behind, to enter our eternal home, where God welcomes us into His All-Holy Presence…forever! |
WIT | One person said to another, “Will you join me in a cup of tea?”, and the friend answered, “I’d love to, but do you think we’ll fit?” |
WELLSPRING | “Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out” Flirting with the earth, The sun shows its approval, With an eclipse “wink”. | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2009 by Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. Guest Speakers from all over Japan, as well as from many other nations, come regularly to CFN-Japan Bible School to share personal experiences and up-to-date news about what the Lord is doing today. Through this, students get a deeper view of Scripture being applied in today’s world. One Guest Speaker was Rev. Yoshinobu Murakami, who shared with the students and guests years ago (photo below) in its former “one-room” campus.  Presently he is Chairman of the Japan Revival Association, and Pastor of a vibrant church, Charis Chapel, in the Osaka area. Rev. Murakami is inviting Pastors and churches throughout Japan, to celebrate in July 2009, the 150th Anniversary of the first Protestant Missionary coming to Japan. Pastor and his wife, Tamiko-san, have themselves been leaders in Japan’s mission efforts in Asian Pacific Rim countries. Please continue to pray for them, for deepening church unity, and for CFN-Japan. Standing together with you looking to the Lord, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |