One-Liner January 11, 2008

Dear Family and Friends

Could we share another One-Liner together? Now all 26 One-Liners can be seen on the website:
“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every NATION…standing before the Throne and in front of the Lamb”. (Rev. 6:9)
Nation” in Scripture refers to a “people group”, not to a political “country”.  Thus, in each country today, there are many “nations” (people groups). In God’s Kingdom also, there are people from every nation, each person cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. Today we are united in purpose and praise of HIM.  One day we will all be before HIM.
When speaking at a Luncheon some time ago, and referring to HAMLET, some thought I was referring to a small ham sandwich.

“Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out”

Towering redwoods,
Herald their small beginnings,
Just a seed with hope!
Unpublished Work
Copyright © 2008 by Charles Gyurko
A WORK of the Lord in Japan.
As part of its Overseas Outreach in 1992, CFN-Japan Bible School’s Staff and Students visited Christ For the Nations in Dallas, Texas (top photo).  Its Co-Founder, Mrs. Freda Lindsay (photo below) is shown addressing the group, and being interpreted by CFN-J Staff member, Rev. Gerald Goodall. 

Mrs. Lindsay, now in her 93rd year, continues in half-day office work at CFNI, but has delegated total responsibility to her son, Dennis Lindsay, CEO of the Institute, which began its history of integrity and depth in 1970. As an official Associate School of CFNI, CFN-Japan is privileged to share in this mission of reaching ALL NATIONS FOR JESUS.
Standing together with you looking to the Lord,
Charles and Dianne Gyurko