WISDOM | Each person has a self-image. Satan’s lie is that we get our self-image from the wrong things that we have done, but God’s Truth is that we get our identity and self image from what GOD HAS DONE FOR US. When we read God’s Word, it’s like looking into a mirror. As we begin to see His true image, we recognize that he has done marvelous things within us, and we begin to enjoy and celebrate His Presence within us. |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. One-year old Harmony Goodall (photo above), daughter of CFN-J Staff, Gerald Goodall, is raising her hands imitating others, during an evening prayer session at CFN-Japan Bible School. In years following, as she continued to hear and digest God’s Word at home, her self-image grew appropriately. Now in her teens (at left below) she enjoys who she is in Jesus. One of the courses at CFN-Japan has been, “Our Biblical Self-Image” (Who we are, and What we have in Jesus). As students studied God’s Word, and saw that they were “God’s child, His temple, His workmanship, His co-worker”, that they were “citizens of heaven, free from condemnation”, and that they “could not be separated from the love of God”, they appropriately felt accepted, secure, and significant, as God wishes us to. Please PRAY that CFN-J students continue to grow “to the measure of stature of the fullness of Christ”. (Eph.4:13) Standing together with you looking to the Lord, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |