One-Liner July 20, 2007


Dear Family and Friends,

Are you ready for some refreshing “Weekend One-Liners”?

“God desires that all men be saved, AND come to a knowledge of the truth.”
Being saved is a one-time event which makes us a 100% new creation in our spirit. 
Being conformed to the image of Jesus (knowing Him) is a life-time of growth, like a
seed, in our “inner man”. God wants us fully grown, whole, and holy, like Jesus.
Said the elderly man, looking at his hairless head in a mirror, “When I was young,
I had the WAVES, now I’ve got the BEACH!”

“Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out”

Morning sunlit desk
Shadows of a humming-bird
Stir up my coffee.

Unpublished Work
Copyright © 2007 by Charles Gyurko
A WORK of the Lord in Japan.

Christ for the Nations-Japan Bible School director, Rev. Toshifumi Kajikawa (photo below) graduated from CFNJ in 1987, and has been on Staff at the School ever since (over 20 years)! He is shown here teaching a class. Students learn to HEAR God’s Word, UNDERSTAND its depth, LIVE according to it, and SHARE it with others by word and by the example of their lives.

In addition to teaching, counseling, and leadership training, Rev. Kajikawa and other Staff Members have led students on overseas outreaches to such countries as China, Russia, Nagaland (India), the Philippines, Spain, Mongolia, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Mexico, and the U.S.A.

Christ For The Nations-Japan is not just our name, it is also our mission.

Through your prayer, you actively participate in this work of the Holy Spirit at CFN-Japan.
Standing together with you looking to the Lord,
Charles and Dianne Gyurko