One-Liner June 29, 2007

Charles and Dianne

Dear Family and Friends,

Wisdom for life often comes to us in a few words, often called “One-Liners”. “One-Liners” can deal with a balance of deep realities, or even humor.

We hope you’ll enjoy and profit from these “Weekend One-Liners.”
Grapes grow only on NEW branches; that’s why God has to PRUNE us, so that our inner man can continually grow to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. “Ouch”, but thank you, Lord.
The height of a mountain challenges a climber’s heart before it tests the strength of his legs.
A man complained, “My apartment is so small, even the mice are hunchback!”

“Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out”

Evening patio
In my drink is an ice cube
And a slice of moon.
Unpublished Work
Copyright © 2007 by Charles Gyurko
A WORK of the Lord in Japan.
One reason for the Christ For The Nations-Japan Bible School is found in the very name of the country:
            J esus for
            A ll
            P eople
            A nd
            N ations
In 1993 some Students and Staff of the Bible School joined other Christians in Japan at a baseball stadium (see photo) to Praise the Lord. When we prayed the Lord’s Prayer, “OUR Father, Who art in heaven. . .”, we joined with our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the world in thanksgiving to OUR Heavenly Father, Who gave us eternal life in His Son. Jesus IS for all people and nations.
                                                              Crowd Praising God
Please pray DAILY that CFN-Japan Bible School, now in its 23rd year, continues to be a vessel in the Hands of the Lord to reach the nation of Japan and all of Asia with the Good News of Jesus.
Standing with you looking to the Lord!
Charles and Dianne Gyurko