One Liner June 6, 2008

Dear Family and Friends,
Please mark your calendars. This is a special call to prayer.  Let’s join hearts with brothers and sisters around the world.
“Now the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it…so Moses went into the midst of the cloud and went up into the mountain…and was there for 40 days and 40 nights”. (Ex.24:16-18)  “My house shall be called a House of Prayer for all nations”. (Lk.11:17)
The interesting cloud formation over Mt. Fuji ( photo above), a symbol of the nation of Japan, reminds us of the cloud that covered Mt. Sinai, as Moses spent time before the Lord. Today, Japanese followers of Christ join other Christians throughout the world as God’s “House of Prayer”, as Japan hosts and prays for the leaders of 8 nations at the “G8 Summit”, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia & U.S.A. (Details below)
An “Old Timer” is a person who remembers when a pie was set on the window sill to cool, not to thaw.
“Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out”

Cars draw their power
By igniting gasoline.
Controlled explosions.
Unpublished Work
Copyright © 2008 by Charles Gyurko
A WORK of the Lord in Japan.
President George W. Bush, will be just 1 ½ hours by car from CFN-Japan Bible School, when he meets with world leaders at the G8 Summit, July 7-9, at a hotel resort by Lake Toya in Northern Japan (Hokkaido). To ensure that godly influences will be upon all at the Summit, an International Prayer Convocation will be held in Hokkaido from July 3-5, led by Murray Dodds, a Pastor from Calgary, Alberta (Canada), whose passion is Kingdom ministry at the “global gates” of the world.
                             Murray Dodds                                             CFN-J Students                                             Tom Hess
All students from CFN-Japan Bible School will join hundreds of other prayer warriors at the Int’l Prayer Convocation, whose Honorary Chairman will be Tom Hess, the Founder and pastor of Jerusalem House Of Prayer For All Nations (JHOPFAN), which maintains a 24/7 hour Prayer Watch, where leaders and groups of intercessors engage spiritually for the nations. Please join prayerful hands and hearts with all at the Prayer Convocation, and with CFN-J Students as they lay hands on a map and pray (file photo above).
Praying with you under the covering of the Lord,
Charles and Dianne Gyurko