One-Liner March 14, 2008


Dear Family and Friends
 “He has made from one blood every nation to dwell on all the face of the earth…so that they should seek the Lord…and find Him, though He is not far from each of us”.  (Acts 17:26-27) “Righteousness exalts a nation”. (Prov. 14:34)
Through the Holy Spirit, the shed blood of Christ has touched every person in the world, inviting and enabling each of us to recognize what Jesus did for us, and to receive the GIFT OF SALVATION. The gift is FREE for us, because He paid the price. The greatest need of any person or any nation is RIGHTEOUSNESS. With that, other blessings from God will follow.
You know you’re “a missionary kid” when:
                                                 You can’t answer the question, “Where are you from?”
                                                 You read National Geographic and recognize someone.
                                                 You flew before you could walk.
                                                 You sort your friends by continent.
“Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out”

Artistic breezes
Make the sky a gallery
By sculpturing clouds.
Unpublished Work
Copyright © 2008 by Charles Gyurko
A WORK of the Lord in Japan.
Jesus’ suffering is shown not only in the Japanese advertisement for the movie, The Passion, (above), but also by the red cross and drops of His blood shown in the floor of the CFN-Japan Conference Hall, below. The construction of the building itself points to the fact that it is only through Jesus, who died for us and ROSE FROM THE DEAD, that we can live and walk in victory in this world.
Students in the Conference Hall (above) hearing and studying the living Word of God, learn “the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God”. (Rom. 11:33)  Enlightened and strengthened by His Word, they become “salt and light” in the nation and around the world.  The combined prayer of many, including yourselves, is the sustaining power of CFN-Japan.
 Standing together with you looking to the Lord,
Charles and Dianne Gyurko