A WORK of the Lord in Japan. The Japanese characters on the sign say literally, “CFNJ Holy Book Study Institution” (= Bible School). The 1 st character, “ holy”, is comprised of 3 smaller characters which are EAR, MOUTH, and KING. We can learn from this that if we HEAR and SPEAK the Word of our KING, the Lord Jesus, we can become righteous, and “holy” in His sight.  Students studying at CFNJ are in training to do just that, and to live lives that are based on God’s Word. They are dedicated to sharing that Word “from the housetops”, from the streets, and from wherever the Holy Spirit leads them. Please pray to the Lord of the Harvest, that many students will come from all over Japan to sit at Jesus’ feet and learn His Word at CFN-Japan Bible School. Standing together with you looking to the Lord, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |