One-Liner November 9, 2007
 Dear Family and Friends, Enjoying One-Liners together is a refresher. You’re welcome to share them with your friends. |
WORD | “If you confess with your mouth that “Jesus is Lord”, and believe from your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9-10) |
WISDOM | Saying that “Jesus is LORD”, is not just words we say, but a clear recognition of the reality that Jesus (not ourselves) is the Center of our lives, and that it is HIS will that must be done in all circumstances. In doing this we not only recognize reality, we also GAIN His life, wisdom, direction, inheritance, and power, as well as our true identity. To remember “Romans 10:9-10” think of Ten, Nine & Ten, like the power of TNT ! |
WIT | The football player was so big that they called him “ECLYPSE”, because his shadow looked like it could cover the moon. |
WHOLE IN ONE | “Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out” Blowing Autumn wind, Awakening fallen leaves, Invites them to dance. | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2007 by Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. Christians of every nation recognize the Lordship of Jesus. At a March for Jesus (top photo) in Sapporo, CFN-Japan students, together with local church believers, carry a banner which says Jesus is “Lord of Lords” (in red). Below, Charles and Dianne, together with some students, stand by a banner showing the word LORD.  Now is your chance to write “LORD” in JAPANESE. Just think of an “E”, then write it in BOTH directions! Follow that with a “dot” on top, which could represent a crown. It’s pronounced “SHU”. Now you can write and say it in Japanese! Please continue to pray, as Jesus ministers at CFN-Japan Bible School. Together with you, walking with Him in joy, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |