One-Liner October 12, 2007
 Dear Family and Friends, I hope these One-Liners are profitable to you. Just a reminder, that if you want to cancel for any reason, simply reply and put “unsubscribe” in the subject box, and it will be done. |
WORD | “O Lord, You are our Father. We are the clay, you are the Potter” (Is. 64:8) “We are His workmanship…” (Eph. 2:10) |
WISDOM | Just as the skillful hands of a craftsman touches the clay and forms it into a beautiful vessel, so also the personal and loving Hand of the Lord upon our spirit touches our “inner man”, forming us into the image of His Son! What a privilege to be touched by HIM! We are God’s Masterpiece! We are also God’s poem! (In the original Greek, “workmanship” is “poema”.) |
WIT | If you’re ever lost for conversation, and someone says, “This rain is really coming DOWN.” Just tell them, “Well, it ain’t going UP.” |
WHOLE IN ONE | Planted upside down, Deep in silent, pitch-dark earth, Seeds know their way up. | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2007 By Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. Prayer is the vital connection and intimate expression of our heart, mind, and will to our loving God. At CFN-Japan Bible School prayer is not just taught, but “caught”, by the lifestyle of leadership (Teachers, Staff & Guest Speakers) who recognize and value the Presence of God in our midst.  Students learn to “pray at all times” (I Thes.5:17), whether it be at Praise and Worship each morning before classes, or while walking down the halls. Students sometimes “touch nations” in prayer (photo), as they place their hands on a map, and thank God for deepening and extending His Kingdom throughout the earth. Together with you, with our eyes on Him, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |