October 31, 2008 One-Liner
 Dear Family and Friends, |
WORD | “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Ps. 91:1) “Because You have been my help, therefore, in the shadow of Thy wings I will rejoice”. (Ps. 63:7) |
WISDOM | God’s “shadow” points to His “covering, influence, protection, and provision”. His covering shadow has followed us from the time of our conception to the present, and will always be with us. When we dwell in His secret place by prayer, we are more conscious of it, and it gives us great confidence and peace to live under the shadow of His wings. He is our “all in all”, and will never change. |
WIT | A little boy’s definition of conscience: “Something that makes me tell my mother before my sister does”. |
WELLSPRING | “Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out” Cresting sunlit wave, Outlined in its sparkling blue, Salmon silhouette. | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2008 by Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. “Sombrero”, from Spanish, sombra, means “that which makes shade”. The photo below shows two CFN-Japan students enjoying their personal “shade maker” sombreros in sunny Mexico, while the entire team was on an Overseas Training Outreach from Christ For The Nations-Japan. The Gospel that they shared under the covering of a tent (above), brought the Light of Christ to many hearts. Newcomers joined with the congregation in lifting up the Name of Jesus, Who is both our Light and our Shadow. Standing together with you looking to the Lord, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |