One-Liner October 5, 2007
 Dear Family and Friends, Could we enjoy a One-Liner together? |
WORD | “A merry heart does good, like a medicine…” ( Prov. 17:22) “The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Neh. 8:10) |
WISDOM | It has been shown clinically that laughter releases endorphins, promoting health. God gave man the capacity for true joy and laughter, which flow from the peace of a relationship with the Living God. (I Peter 1:8) With His peace as a base, humor and laughter flow naturally in man’s life. Even Jesus laughed and shared humor during His life on earth. |
WIT | If your OUTput is greater than your INput, your UPkeep will be your DOWNfall. |
WHOLE IN ONE | T.V. antenna, Aluminum meeting place For up-to-date birds. | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2007 By Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. God has blessed CFN-J’s Bible School’s overseeing Board with qualified Members. One of them is Rev. Richard Goodall, and his wife, Connie, who are from New Zealand (photo below). They have been missionaries in Japan for 50 years! Through ups and downs, they have joyfully raised 6 children in Japan, and still pastor a local church in Muroran.  At a “light moment” during a recent Married Couples Seminar at CFN-Japan, Pastor Richard shared, while wearing a bow-tie that invites comment. His words are laced with levity, yet hit the mark clearly. The Bible School is blessed with the Goodall Family, as well as with other highly qualified Board Members and Advisors who have Jesus’ joy reflected in themselves. Please remember them in prayer. Together with you, with our eyes on Him, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |