One-Liner September 21, 2007
 Dear Family and Friends, Hello again! Hope that the “One-Liners” refresh you as much as the nice Autumn weather. |
WORD | “Love the Lord your God with all your whole heart,…soul, and…mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. Matt.22:37-38) “Go, make disciples of all nations…” (Matt. 28:19) |
WISDOM | The GREAT COMMANDMENT and The GREAT COMMISSION (above) would make awonderful “life goal”. When we love God, He fills the cup of our hearts, and the overflow of His love impels us to share Him with others. |
WIT | In your later years in life, you’ll find that most compliments are followed by three nasty words: “…for your age!” |
WHOLE IN ONE | “Haiku Insight-Out” Sharp as a razor, Yet bending to a child’s touch, A green blade of grass. | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2007 By Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. When CFN-Japan Bible School began in 1985, a dedicated couple Max and Judy Middleton, who lived in Japan, agreed to give their time and effort to support this work of the Lord. Max (photo above) is from New Zealand, and his wife, Judy, is from Japan. Max served on the Board and taught classes.  Judy Middleton also taught, interpreted for Speakers (photo), and also translated teaching materials for the Bible School. After years of faithful service, they moved to the Tokyo area, where Max accepted a Pastoral position, and Judy became the President of the Japanese Women’s Aglow Board. At the present time, Judy is facing some health issues. Please prayer for her to be completely restored to health. Standing together with you looking to the Lord, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |