One-Liner September 26, 2008
 Dear Family and Friends, |
WORD | “Listen to Me, O house of Jacob…who have been upheld by Me from birth, who have been carried from the womb, even to your old age…and grey hairs I will carry you”. (Is.46:3-4) “I will bear you up on Eagles’ wings. (Ex.19:4) |
WISDOM | Like the child resting on the shoulders of his father (photo above), each of us rests on the shoulders of our Heavenly Father Who created us. He supports us every second, and guides us through life, even to eternity. Recognizing the truth that we are 100 % dependent on God for life, frees us to enjoy the reality of intimacy with Him, and to trust in Him. Let’s enjoy the ride on His wings, and use our free will properly to choose that which honors Him. |
WIT | I’ve discovered that there are 3 periods in life: youth, middle age, and “you’re looking good …for your age!”. |
WELLSPRING | “Enjoying Haiku Insight-Out” Staying in one place In a swiftly flowing stream, A motionless trout. | Unpublished Work Copyright © 2008 by Charles Gyurko | |
A WORK of the Lord in Japan. “Train up a child in the way that he should go” (Prov.22:6), can take many forms. Recent CFN-Japan graduate Masahiro Yamashita, sometimes brought his son with him to worship in mornings before class, and allowed him to rest on his shoulders. This bonding will be remembered by both for years to come. As his graduation testimony, Mr. Yamashita wrote, “I would express the life of the Bible School with one word: ‘Grace’. I could not have moved forward even one step without the Lord’s leading and help. I really thank Jesus.” Please pray that CFN-Japan continues to be a “vehicle of grace” for many single and married students who will attend CFN-J in the future. Standing together with you looking to the Lord, Charles and Dianne Gyurko |